Do you Know?

 Do you know?
  • Siberian tigers are capable of dragging prey that would take more than a dozen men to move.
  • One Siberian tiger traveled 620 miles in 22 days in search of food.
  • The Siberian tiger needs to eat over 20 pounds of meat a day to sustain itself in the cold climate. It is capable of eating over 100 pounds of meat in one sitting.
  • The heaviest Siberian tiger on record weighed almost 850 pounds.
Where we can found them?
  • Eastern Russia
  • north eastern China
  • north Korea

physics of Siberian tiger

perfect predator..

             Length: Male, 9-12 feet head to tip of tail. Female smaller.
             Height: About 3 1/2 feet at shoulder.
             Weight: 400-650 lb.

            Diet: Deer, boar, elk, lynx, bear;         
            Lifespan: Up to 25 years.